Sign-up for NIE

Attention Educators: The Sun would like to invite you to take advantage of our free Newspaper in Education program! Have free sets of the Sun delivered  to your school, or view the newspaper free from your computer! We will be running a Serial Story every Wednesday, starting September 30th and ending March 9th: “Everyday Science Series”. To enroll please email Melinda Halligan at or call 978-458-7100


Mission: To promote literacy in the youth of our community while teaching them to become thoughtful, informed consumers of information.

What is NIE? 

Newspapers in Education (NIE) is a nation-wide program to promote and increase our children’s literacy by using the newspaper as a teaching tool. Championed by “The Sun”, NIE is a unique way for schools, businesses, families, and the local newspaper to work together in a partnership that benefits all of us… now and in the future.